Thursday, October 23, 2008
Book Study Blog Reflection
Monday, September 29, 2008
GT Book Study Question 4
GT Book Study Question 3
GT Book Study Question 2
GT Book Study Question 1
GT Book Study - High IQ Kids - Directions
Make sure you claim your responses! Don't post anonymously because you can't get credit that way!
The deadline to respond is October 20th.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Thing #14 - Technorati
I did find a new blog that I had not found before, The "More" Child, so I appreciate that. I will visit periodically, but I'm having trouble coming up with ways to use it.
I like that Technorati has two-word tags unlike I have trouble getting it down to one word. I just need more practice with tags to improve my facilities in using them. It's a bit of a different way of thinking.
I am claiming my blog on Technorati:
Technorati Profile
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Thing #13 - Tagging and
I don't seem to be able to get the code needed to put a link on the sidebar of this blog. When I go to the link rolls page, the code never comes up. I can choose some things at the bottom, but code never appears in the box. Since I couldn't figure out how to make that work, I decided to try just adding the network badge. I copied the code in the box, pasted it in the html/Java box in my blog layout page, but nothing showed up! If you look at my side bar, you'll see blank spot where it should be. Any suggestions?
I like the flexibility of the tagging and I love being able to see other people's tags. I think this could be a great resource. I finally understand how to interpret those clouds! For me, they are very busy and bit frenetic to view, but they make a lot more sense now!
Publishing a link roll on your blog would be an interesting way for parents or teachers to keep track of a kid's interests. Rather than doing an interest inventory, you could view a kid's link roll or tag roll and see what they're bookmarking and tagging most often. It would also be a good way to keep track of internet research that kids are doing. It could be part of an assessment of a product.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Thing #12 - Commenting
...participatory media does not allow K-12 students to make mistakes within a smaller culture.... The thing is that my mistakes, heated situations, odd conversations, etc. weren't there for the world to see. This mistake (not really the best description of the situation but stick with me) is now there for the world to see and is part of his virtual footprint.
I'm paranoid about even silly things like typos, let alone my post being misinterpreted. Of course, it goes deeper than that to my insecurities and vanity. How will this post make me appear to others? Needless to say, I have been very hesitant to comment.
Point 2 - Respond to comments and appropriately manage comments on your own blog. Not a big issue for me, so far, not many hits! (I do have one I need to get to immediately - sorry lauraann) But I have noticed that the few times I was moved to comment on someone else's blog, they came to mine and contacted me. It was very exciting to make that connection! It was a reward for being brave enough to risk making the comment.
I'm starting to think more about putting my name out there. Of course, it's accessible via the email I'm using. Still, I'd like to read more about the pros and cons of this.
When I've commented...
- Creative doubt - My Google Alert picked up on Joylene Nowell Butler's post on Doubt, Self-Deprivation, and Creativity. I immediately connected to her comments and felt moved to respond. Maybe all creative women doubt their abilities. I think most gifted females feel like frauds - that any time now everyone will figure out I'm not as smart as they seem to think I am. Joylene responded to my comment by commenting on my Thing #3 post.
- Asynchronous development - As I mentioned above and in previous post, I was terribly excited as I read the interaction on Drape's Takes. I was nervous about responding directly on that blog, though. I was concerned that my comment would start a totally different thread - though that might be a good thing. Instead, I commented on The Tempered Radical's post.
The suggested readings for this Thing were very helpful. I was losing my momentum in this learning experience, but am rejuvenated. I'm getting excited about the opportunity to connect with others and expand my opportunities for growth.
A real world example of Asynchronous Development
As a newbie, this post (The Price of Student 2.0?) got me more excited about the blogosphere than anything else I've encountered so far. The interaction at Drape's Takes resulted in such a varied and rich reaction. There are threads about social networking skills and communication skills, and many other technology threads. But my point-of-view is from gifted education and my knowledge of the 2.0 tools is quite limited. In the interaction, I saw the opportunity to discuss the needs and experiences of a gifted kid. As adults, we are not usually constantly barraged by people blatantly providing direct instruction. Kids are. As adults, we would get really tired of everyone acting like we're clueless about everything. To some degree, I think many kids start to feel this way as they enter adolescence. It’s part of growing up. But gifted kids feel this way much more often – and often they DO know more than the adults around them.
This interaction also exemplifies the asynchronous development of gifted kids. Most people have similar levels of development in their cognitive, social, emotional, and physical abilities. High achieving people are included – those darn folks who just seem a little better at everything! But gifted folks aren’t like that. They have some areas in which they are much more developed than others. The area(s) develop(s) more rapidly than the others. So in some areas they are much “older” than in others. They think at the level of an adult when it comes to content, but not when it comes to social interaction, for example.
Thank you to Arthus for allowing the discussion to continue. Thank you to the Tempered Radical for sharing it on his blog. I think this interaction contains lessons for all of us.
Thing #11 - LibraryThing
I can really see teachers getting a lot out of this in preparing to teach novels. They can have a book discussion with others and benefit from the multiple points of view in preparing lessons. You can certainly connect with others who are teaching the novels and maybe share lessons that way.
I have a Caldecott collection. I now have all of the award winners and most of the honor books. It took me a long time to get Mei Li, as it is out of print and most who are willing to sell their copies wanted a fortune. It was really easy to put together a list in Amazon of Caldecott winners and then import the list into LibraryThing. I also entered some of my baby's favorite books. I couldn't believe how fast the process was once I found the import options. Now I'm anxious to get the rest of my picture book collection catalogued. This is exciting for the organizer in me!
I also added a LibraryThing widget and search widget to this blog. (Scroll down the side bar.) I'm really looking forward to joining some groups and finding good book recommendations for GT kids and my little one!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Thing #10 - Image Generators
I love Image Chef! Easy to use, visually attractive site, great ideas! I used the Visual Poetry option to create the image of my baby in the heart. Image Chef has all kinds of great options in their catalog. I really like the capability of writing a message on a piece of toast! You could get a really high level of thinking out of kids if you pushed them. The symbolism that could be done is really cool. There are many opportunities for depth in putting text with images. Great point-of-view product, too.
The Happy Face Generator was fun, playful, and easy to use. I think kids would enjoy it. You could have them do ads for books they enjoyed or summarize a community problem using these tools. I can also see fun additions to newsletters being created here. (See my Happy Face Comic.)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Thing # 9 - More RSS Feeds
Which was more confusing?
What kind of useful feeds did you find in your travels? Or what kind of unusual ones did you find?
Image from:
Monday, June 30, 2008
Thing #8 - Information Overload (Otherwise known as RSS Feeds)
Like many of these tools, the benefit is in the connections it facilitates. I can learn from others in the same field or with similar interests by reading their posted thoughts or applicable news articles. I can also connect with them personally through email. I don't have to pay conference registration fees and sit at a conference lunch to meet new people and benefit from their ideas! I can get ideas on curriculum, activities for parents, new books for kids, etc. (I also picked up a few tips for managing a 12 month-old on an upcoming plane ride across the US.)
I do have some questions, though...
- Does the Google Reader keep the hits it finds forever? I didn't see a delete button, only ways to mark things as read/unread and starring/sharing/tagging options.
- How do you manage all the new information coming in? With Alerts and Google Reader, I now have TONS of things to read. I already had trouble managing my email! (And I didn't get to much today since I was playing and learning here for several hours.)
- If I subscribe to a post(atom) in a blog for comments, how do I unsubscribe? Does this question even make sense to others?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Thing #7 - Google Tools
I have a lot of trouble uploading photos. I've had the same issue with aborted uploads in Animoto, Flickr, and now Picasa. They often work if I just do one or two photos at a time instead of a large group. I'm just very impatient and want to do it all at once!
I've put together an iGoogle page and marked it as my home page. It will be nice to have all the applications I use regularly on the same page instead of having to open multiple browser sites repeatedly.
Classroom applications -
- Alerts - I would have used this to help me find current topics for discussion or debate based on the content I was teaching at the time. It would help you bring back big issues after you'd finished a unit. It could be a fun place to get journal ideas or current events.
- Calendar - I would set up a classroom calendar so parents had easy access to know what was happening. It's flexible enough you can change it so parents get a good understanding of the ebb and flow in teaching. You could post what you plan (very generally) and then edit it to account for the teachable moments when you veered off your original plan in response to student interest.
- Docs - This is a great way to get kids connected for group projects done at home.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Thing #6 - Mashups
Thing #5 - Flickr
Thing #3 - My First Blog
I debated a bit about the Avatar - go with realistic or totally fantasy. I opted for realistic (though the hair is what I think would be fun to have). It's nice to have the freedom to change it. Though it's a real time zapper - I have no idea how long I spent trying different things. I'm going to check out the Avatars of my classmates to see if they went for realism.
Thing #2 - Lifelong Learning
I think about people I know well and consider if they are life-long learners. Who is isn't a life-long learner? Even my 84 year-old grandparents are continuing to learn things. They have satellite TV and debit cards, negotiate social security and medicare, deal with new health issues from a host of medical professionals, and navigate through a growing city for visits with those medical professionals. The scope of what they are learning may not be as broad as my own, but they are learning. Much of what they are learning isn't so much by choice. Perhaps that's the qualitative difference... how much of the learning is by choice and how much is simply for survival.
Thing #2 - Hardest
I worry and stew over problems. It isn't until after I've resolved them that I reflect upon them as an opportunity to learn and grow. I like challenges, it's part of what keeps life interesting. I just would prefer lots of time to mull them over. I'm often caught up in the timeliness of trying to get a solutions that meets everyone's needs quickly, which is very hard to do - sometimes impossible.
Thing #2 - Easiest
I have always loved learning. It may be because learning new information is usually easy for me. I'm great at school-type learning, which is probably why I enjoyed getting my Ph.D. One of the best things about being a classroom teacher was reviewing the material before teaching it to the students. I always dug a little deeper into whatever I was going to teach, so I learned more about it. It was part of the preparation I did before every unit I taught. It made the content interesting and helped keep me ready to make things interesting for my students. Of course, the students kept me learning, too. They always took me off into directions I hadn't planned, which required more research on my part.
PS - This blog has been started as part of the Library2Play online class offered in my school district. I hope it will evolve into a tool I can use with parents and teachers in my district.